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SOUL CLEARANCE (Entity Removal) with Joanna Neff, page 2 of 3

DISCLAIMER: If you have a long history of dark-entity afflictions and/or ongoing addictions and/or mental illness--and no other practitioner has been able to help you--this session is probably not going to "fix" your issues either.

by Joanna Neff

Examples of the ways in which Soul Clearance (Entity Removal, Shielding and Healing) helps the client are removing--both in the current lifetime and in past lifetimes--negative entities and etheric implants, sealing open portal ways, removing negative shamanic or sorcery influences. In addition to removing all varieties and intensities of dark entities/energies, this session includes repairing tears in a person's Golden Web, sealing open portal ways, applying healing sequences for the damaged aura, and setting up etheric gold shielding.

Because Higher Beings do this work through me purely energetically, neatly bypassing the brain/ego/personality, the work is comfortable, swift and powerful. Most clients report that as the session goes on, they just feel more and more peaceful. There probably will be a time of integration, however, but, again, this is just the conscious mind becoming gradually aware of beneficial changes that already have taken place on other levels.

You need not be present during the soul clearance session, as I do all the work remotely. Nor do you need to change your routine in any way while the session is proceeding. However, I do email every client a detailed worksheet that shows what was found--and removed--during the session.

more . . .

Session Fee: $80.00 U.S.



Joanna Neff: <>

 Copyright2025 The Light Expansion Center. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of any content of this webpage is prohibited. The material in these pages may not be photocopied, published, blogged, rewritten or redistributed.

The information in these pages is provided for educational purposes, and sessions are not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment obtained through a physician or other licensed health care provider.
